Does not emit dust or fiber
Clean and moistureproof transport and storage, packaging for clean zones
Wellplast AB has a solid knowledge of what is required of packaging solutions for all stages of pharmaceutical and medical industry. Experience has been developed through close collaboration with packaging developers at pharmaceutical and medical technology companies. Function, purity and delivery reliability are keywords. Wellplast AB is your partner for developing the packaging solution you need.
Packaging where product or environment requires cleanliness
Packing in Clean zone
The fact that final packaging in clean zones can lead to significant logistical gains. Repackaging and washing of return packaging is avoided.
Consumables used in clean zones
In order to efficiently collect material in clean zones, it can already be packed in clean packaging by the subcontractor. This way repacking before taking into the clean zone is avoided.
Packaging of our material is often used as a carriers in sterilization processes. The materials work well for ETO sterilization (gas), autoclaving and radiation sterilization.
Insulating packaging
Wellplast-materials consist of several layers separated by a layer of air. This layer of air provides a very good temperature insulation. Because the materials are not affected by moisture, they therefore also work well for chilled and frozen products where there is a risk of condensation.
Contact us for more information

Jacob Volckerts
Wellplast AB
Turistgatan 2
SE-265 39 Åstorp
Phone: +46 431 431 444
Fax: +46 431 431 555 or use the form